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House Artist

Steve Stallings was born in La Mesa, California. He painted his first canvas at the age of 8. By the time he was 18, he was regarded as a professional in the Fine Art arena with numerous awards and had media coverage of his work.

His last 15 one-man shows in California were one night sellouts, confirming the popularity and demand of his work.

Some of his more notable collectors are the late Rock Hudson, Andy Granatelli, The Western White House -Nixon Administration. Some of the most recent collectors include The Bellagio, MGM Grand, Sheena Easton, and Vegas Views.

Steve is best known for his famous skies, landscapes, use of color, and intricate detail. Whether it's Southwestern, Early Americana, snow covered mountains, the tropics, or more recently, modern abstract, it's undeniably Steve Stallings.

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